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Investing in teachers is an investment in the future. By supporting the National Earth Science Teachers Association, you enable educators to attend conferences, access cutting-edge resources, and bring innovative projects to their classrooms. Your generosity translates to richer learning experiences for students, fostering critical thinking and a deeper understanding of our planet and the universe beyond. 
Support Teacher Development, Transform Student Learning

Please select the stipend or min-grant opportunity you to which you would like to contribute. All donation recipient(s) are chosen via competitive application. 

NOTE: Donation restrictions do not allow us to accommodate requests to financially support outreach & projects of specific educators 

NESTA sincerely thanks our donors & sponsors:
Thank you for caring enough about the work we do to want to be part of it.  You will be contacted within five business days with a donation receipt.   Please forward any questions or concerns to

Help us financially support our volunteer leadership to participate in workshops and conferences with a specific engagement goal(s).  Attendance at local and national conferences fosters a strong community and allows us to provide workshop and training to a wide audience. Typical conference registrations cost ~$500.

NESTA grants are available to members that are educators supporting student-centered ESS activities.  These grant are competitively awarded.  Grant funds must go directly to classroom and/or lesson supplies requested.   Currently NESTA makes two $500 Stoney Grants available to members each year. 

Help us support our members with requests to financially contribute to their personal expenses incurred to participate in workshops and conferences.  Teacher often will pay for their own registration to workshop and conferences as well as use their own personal days for school absences.  NESTA hopes in the future to help our members with specific engagement goals present and/or attend national and local conferences, workshops or field opportunities.  This is a current need expressed during a recent member survey as local budgets have drastically reduced the amount of money available for professional development.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Address 2
*Donation Amount ($USD)
Provide any clarifying information if the donation is being provided for restricted donations.

Prefer to Send a Check?  
Make check payable to NESTA. 

ATTN: Parker Pennington
PO Box 53
Dexter, MI 48130

NESTA is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit charitable organization

Tax ID : (EIN 38-2602144)

Why Your Support Matters

Every dollar you contribute empowers teachers to better serve their students and enriches the resources available to educators nationwide.  Together, we can:

  • Bridge the gap between limited school funding and the real costs of impactful teaching.

  • Build a stronger, more connected community of Earth science educators.

  • Help inspire the next generation to protect and preserve our shared planet.

Support teachers donating their time… not their pocketbook.


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