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Shaping the future, built on excellence. NESTA is a non-profit organization relying entirely on volunteer leadership. Active and retired teachers generously donate their time to curate both virtual and in-person opportunities for sharing best practices. We rely on membership fees and donations to cover operational expenses, with only limited advertising revenue. Help support our mission to create and sustain a unique and trusted platform where educators connect, collaborate, and inspire.

(general donations)
Help NESTA with their organizational obligations:

  • web hosting
  • video conferencing 
  • promotional materials
  • mailing costs
Use our online donation form below or contact NESTA administration.

NESTA is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit charitable organization

Tax ID : (EIN 38-2602144)

Support a Tradition of Excellence
Built Together

Please CONTACT NESTA DIRECTLY if you are interested in financial support through Legacy Giving or Retirement Assets.  

Cash gifts may use the form below or via check. 

You may designate your bequest in two ways:

  • For the general purposes of NESTA (an unrestricted bequest)
  • To be used to support a particular fund or purpose (a restricted bequest)

NESTA sincerely thanks our donors & sponsors:
Thank you for caring enough about the work we do to want to be part of it.  You will be contacted within five business days with a donation receipt.   Please forward any questions or concerns to

Prefer to Send a Check?  Make check payable to NESTA.
Mailing Address: 
ATTN: Parker Pennington
PO Box 53
Dexter, MI 48130

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Address 2
*Donation Amount ($USD)
Provide any clarifying information if the donation is being provided for restricted donations.

Why Your Support Matters

Every dollar you contribute empowers teachers to better serve their students and enriches the resources available to educators nationwide.  Together, we can:

  • Bridge the gap between limited school funding and the real costs of impactful teaching.

  • Build a stronger, more connected community of Earth science educators.

  • Help inspire the next generation to protect and preserve our shared planet.

Support teachers donating their time… not their pocketbook.


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